Aphrodite Liveaboard

Discover the Glory of the Red Sea

Join the MY Aphrodite yacht for a fantastic liveaboard safari in the Red sea, Egypt. Built by divers for divers and accommodating up to 23 guests on board, the M/Y Aphrodite is spacious and modern with 11 cabins on board.

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We Do

since 2012

Established in 2002 , M/Y Aphrodite Liveaboard Red Sea is a diving safari operator that plans and organizes diving excursions to the hottest diving spots in the Red Sea with over 500 successful trips in it’s history, M/Y Aphrodite Liveaboard is guaranteed to give you the luxury diving holiday you are looking for.

Since 2008
great service

We serve a wide variety of delicious food ranging from western or local food, vegetarian or vegan options in buffet style.If you have any specific dietary requirements whilst on-board your cruise, you can add this to your special requests.

Great Service
thrilling experience

Divers have a choice of 7-night safaris which cover the best of the Red Sea dive destinations. Choose from 'Classic North', which covers Ras Mohammed, the wrecks of Abu Nuhas as well as the world famous Thistlegorm wreck. Or visit St. Johns in the deep south, where pristine reefs and plentiful marine life await adventurous divers.

thrilling experience
Thrilling Experience

We Dive

North Brother Islands
North Brother Islands
22 Place(s) Left
29/03/2025 05/04/2025
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Brothers – Daedalus – Elphinstone
Brothers – Daedalus – Elphinstone
22 Place(s) Left
05/04/2025 12/04/2025
Book Now
 Sataya and Fury Shoals Snorkeling and Diving Safari
Sataya and Fury Shoals Snorkeling and Diving Safari
22 Place(s) Left
12/04/2025 19/04/2025
Book Now
 Sataya and Fury Shoals Snorkeling and Diving Safari
Sataya and Fury Shoals Snorkeling and Diving Safari
0 Place(s) Left
19/04/2025 26/04/2025
Book Now
Brothers, Safaga Reefs
Brothers, Safaga Reefs
22 Place(s) Left
26/04/2025 03/05/2025
Book Now
View our Schedules

We Dive

North Classic
North Classic Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
21/11/2026 -> 28/11/2026;

Dolphintrip North
Dolphintrip North Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
30/08/2025 -> 06/09/2025;

North Brother Islands
North Brother Islands Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
28/11/2026 -> 05/12/2026;

North – Straits of Tiran
North – Straits of Tiran Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
19/09/2026 -> 26/09/2026;

The Brothers Islands
The Brothers Islands Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
13/07/2024 -> 20/07/2024;

Rocky - Zabarghad - St John's
Rocky - Zabarghad - St John's Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
02/09/2023 -> 09/09/2023;

South Islands
South Islands Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
26/10/2024 -> 02/11/2024;

Deep South,St Johns
Deep South,St Johns Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
26/12/2026 -> 02/01/2027;

Brothers - Daedalus
Brothers - Daedalus Sites Itinerary Schedule

Upcoming Trip:
05/09/2026 -> 12/09/2026;

Exclusive offer! April 26 to May 3, 2025 — with a 10% discount on the updated board 🌊
April 26, 2025 Exclusive offer! April 26 to May 3, 2025 — with a 10% discount on the updated board 🌊 Read the News
Booking Request


Start / End

{{scheduleDetails.startPort}} {{scheduleDetails.endPort}}


{{scheduleDetails.startDate}} {{scheduleDetails.endDate}}


Starts at {{scheduleDetails.price | currency}}

Route Supplements/Pax

{{scheduleDetails.routeSupplement | currency}}

( Master Cabin Price: {{ scheduleDetails.masterPrice | currency}}/Pax)
Total Master Cabin Price

{{computedMasterPrice | currency}}

(Standard Cabin Price: {{ scheduleDetails.standardPrice | currency}}/Pax)
Total Standard Cabin Price

{{computedStandardPrice | currency}}

(Seaview Cabin Price: {{ scheduleDetails.seaViewPrice | currency}}/Pax )
Total Seaview Cabin Price

{{computedSeaviewPrice | currency}}

Booking Total Price

Pax No = {{totalPaxBooked}} | Cabin(s) = {{totalPaxPrice | currency}} | Supplements = {{totalSupplementsPrice | currency}}
Total = {{BookingPrice | currency}}

Please choose at least 1 cabin